Monday, April 14, 2008

From last friday

Lateral raise 30
40 wt seat pos 4
50 pos 5
60 pos 6
60 pos 5 don't like 6

Preacher seat pos 5 60lb
Pos 6 yes trying 7 at 70lb now
Doing 70 at 7 again icarian equip
Make that 6 woot

Shoulder press at 50
Again seat pos 6
Keep chin down no more pop? Like down to chest
Severe pain at 70 keep at 50 w chin down

Seated row @ 6 pos 60 lbs
80 lbs
90 lbs

Chest press 90lb
Seat pos 4
90 lb
100 lb
120 head shook tho

Ab crunch at 30 lb
Lower back pain
Abs still hurt from tue
25 lbs now
20 now
20 is good remember to dist weight evenly to both hands when pulling down
Can feel it in lower abs which I don't have
This is good
25 now then done

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