Tuesday, April 29, 2008


I think I double dosed anabolic pump on accident around lunch time today! I felt generally very crappy and it started about 2pm. I'm purposely skipping the dose with dinner, and I'm making today a full on rest day (aka I just got up from a 1.5 hour nap). I'll dose PowerFull tonight just before bed like normal, and am about to take up some more carbs and truemass for "dinner."

Today makes the first day in probably a long time where I've had over 3000 calories in a day. I also plan to eat some cereal because cereal rocks and I love it!!!

Still considering Pslin and Recreate. Also I really need to stop buying stuff locally because even after shipping it's still cheaper online, and the cost savings shoot through the roof after the first item.

Edit: Okay I lied I dosed anyway :P

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